Since 2010, I’ve immersed myself in the world of digital media and design. Simultaneously attending high school and an advanced curriculum charter school, I secured work with a local museum and a broadcast network. Fresh out of high school in 2015, an exhibit agency recognized my talents, offering me a prestigious graphic design position across the US. While pursuing a college degree, I became a driving force in pioneering a groundbreaking classes that were later established at the college level in the US and congratulated for being essential in it’s success. I continued to expand my horizons, venturing into the music, fashion, food, and gaming industries, working with household names like Leatherman, Nike and Intel. As open minded and fellable professional, I gained expertise in beta testing, voice acting, broadcasting, writing, and convention planning. I even was offered a streaming sponsorship with Intel. Today, I embark on global journeys, combining my skills and learning new talents.