Versatile Pro, Traveling Real and Digital Worlds

An innovative, experienced, and versatile pro with a rich and diverse background in digital marketing and design as well as the gaming industry. Let's elevate your projects to new levels of success.

Austin Apon

Digital media designer

Since 2010, I’ve immersed myself in the world of digital media and design. Simultaneously attending high school and an advanced curriculum charter school, I secured work with a local museum and a broadcast network. Fresh out of high school in 2015, an exhibit agency recognized my talents, offering me a prestigious graphic design position across the US. While pursuing a college degree, I became a driving force in pioneering a groundbreaking classes that were later established at the college level in the US and congratulated for being essential in it’s success. I continued to expand my horizons, venturing into the music, fashion, food, and gaming industries, working with household names like Leatherman, Nike and Intel. As open minded and fellable professional, I gained expertise in beta testing, voice acting, broadcasting, writing, and convention planning. I even was offered a streaming sponsorship with Intel. Today, I embark on global journeys, combining my skills and learning new talents.

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